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Panel Discussion

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Colour-Coded: Culture, Creativity And Categorisation In The Music Industry

Music Rehearsal Room - JWC Level 4

Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts, Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, Queensland, Australia

Wednesday, 6th September
11:20AM - 12:20PM

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An exploration of the critical – and uncomfortable – conversations around race, culture, identity and creativity.

Where is Australia’s music industry at when it comes to managing and marketing artists of colour, particularly First Nations artists? In what ways can festivals and media industries do better so artists of colour are not automatically billed as ‘world music’ performers and isolated from the mainstream music scene? Does culture and race impact opportunities to perform in Australia and beyond?

This will be an honest discussion of the Australian music industry's unconscious bias of putting race before creativity.

A powerful line up of speakers will discuss the ways they navigate culture, creativity and communities through their work.


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