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No More Manels!!! Public Speaking for Women in the Music Industry


Level 3/32 Duncan St, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane

Friday, 8th September
1:00PM - 3:00PM

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AIR and WIN are partnering at BIGSOUND with support from Music Industry Inside Out to offer a free public speaking course forwomen in the music industry as part of dedicated effort to promote equality and diversity in the music industry. The course will be delivered by industry heavyweight Alison Wenham (WIN CEO) and offer 30 women the opportunity to develop their publicspeaking skills and confidence.

Alison has over 35 years’ experience leading music companies and organisations, including previous engagements as MD of Conifer Records and BMG Entertainment International (UK), and as Chairman and CEO of AIM. Alison has received an OBE for services to the Creative Industries, been inducted into the MMF Roll of Honour and in 2016 received the Music Week Outstanding Contribution to Music award at their annual Women in Music Awards. Alison will share her tips and techniques for effective public speaking, whether as part of an industry panel, giving a presentation or delivering a keynote speech. 

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