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MASTERCLASS: Music Money Masterclass


17 McLachlan St, Fortitude Valley, QLD, 4006, Australia

Wednesday, 6th September
10:00AM - 12:00PM

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The past 15 years have seen a transformation in the fundamentals of accounting in the Australian music industry. Artists and their managers are handling the accounts and business planning in more detail and over a broader scope than ever before. Budgeting and managing cashflow around touring cycles, understanding the flow of royalty income, knowing the tax implications of touring internationally, and ensuring their businesses are compliant with tax and small business requirements have become standard practice for successful artists of the millennial generation.

The team at White Sky have been at the forefront of this culture shift since their foundation in 2002. During this masterclass, some of their senior music finance professionals will be giving insight into how best to keep track of your money and plan for better outcomes. All attendees will take home a package of templates designed in-house to simplify the processes, along with a demonstration on how to use them to full effect.


Tom Harris_WHITE SKY.jpg

Tom Harris

Managing Director - White Sky Music


John Atkins_WHITE SKY.jpg

John Atkins

Partner & Senior Business Manager - White Sky


Matt Bird_WHITE SKY.jpg

Matt Bird

Partner & Senior Royalty Analyst - White Sky


Industry Partner