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Gender in Music: Quotas & Bridging The Confidence Gap

Theatre Rehearsal Room - JWC Level 4

Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts, Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, Queensland, Australia

Wednesday, 6th September
3:35PM - 4:35PM

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Figures have shown that we’re a long way from achieving true gender equality in the music industry. Data collated by triple j shows that only one in five works registered with APRA was written by a woman, 30 percent of board positions in peak industry bodies belong to women and rarely more than 40 percent of a festival bill featuring acts with at least one woman.

Further to that, anecdotal evidence will suggest that there’s still a serious sexism issue within the industry at every level. The push to change this has never been stronger, and this panel will look at where we are now, why we are there, and what needs to happen in order to make meaningful progress. It will examine what areas are showing the greatest improvement and what we can learn from that.

Are quotas the answer, or just mere tokenism? How important is it to have prominent role models who identify as the same gender as you?


Ash BigSnd Pic.jpg

Ash Kerley

Program Facilitator - Brisbane - Girls Rock!



Dr Jess Carniel

Lecturer in Humanities - University of Southern Queensland



Bob Van Heur

Founder / Promoter / Agent / Booker - Le Guess Who? Festival / Belmont Bookings


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