Red Bull Music Presents: Meet The Players: Exploring the parallels between athletes and artists.
@ Theatre Rehearsal Room - JWC Level 4
Wednesday, 6th September
12:30PM - 1:30PM
Artist - Client Liasion
Given their shared appreciation for story telling and dignified belief in the Australian identity, Harvey Miller and Monte Morgan naturally found themselves writing music together. From the studio to the top end of town, Client Liaison's sound plays out like a long lunch followed by a round of cocktails. Describing their sonic palate as 'dance electric', 'new jack swing' and 'pop ballad', this multisensory experience will feed any listeners' appetite. International in flavor, cosmopolitan in style - put it on the company card. Too much is never enough. Think nothing. Feel everything. Pleasure is good. Fantasy is truth. Experience.
@ Theatre Rehearsal Room - JWC Level 4
Wednesday, 6th September
12:30PM - 1:30PM
Stay up to date with BIGSOUND Festival.