Making It Last
@ Alice Room - Cloudland
Wednesday, 6th September
11:20AM - 12:20PM
Co-director - Chapter Music
Ben is the co-director of Chapter Music, the esteemed Australian independent label celebrating it's 25th anniversary this year. Chapter has released Twerps, Dick Diver, NO ZU, Laura Jean, The Goon Sax, Holy Balm, School Damage, Jessica Says, Crayon Fields, The Stevens, Kath Bloom, The Cannanes and many more. For the past decade Ben has also worked as manager for clients like Power, Architecture in Helsinki and Crayon Fields. Alongside Chapter Music co-director Guy Blackman, he manages Twerps and The Goon Sax.
@ Alice Room - Cloudland
Wednesday, 6th September
11:20AM - 12:20PM
Stay up to date with BIGSOUND Festival.