Thinking Out of the Box: Is Cross Industry Collaboration the Future?
@ Moon Room - Cloudland
Thursday, 7th September
3:35PM - 4:35PM
Head of Music Technology and Senior Lecturer - Griffith University
John is a post-digital/electronic musician and Head of Music Technology/Senior Lecturer at Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University. Previously he was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Brown University (USA) and before that a Lecturer in Creative Music Technologies at Kingston University London.
John’s work is published via Contemporary Music Review, Ashgate, Cambridge University Press, Creative Sources Recordings, and Clinical Archives. As well as academic conferences and festivals such as NIME, ICMC, NYCEMF, BEAM, and SEAMUS, he has presented live performance-based works at Borealis Festival for Contemporary Music in Bergen, Open Studio at STEIM in Amsterdam, and Club Transmediale in Berlin.
@ Moon Room - Cloudland
Thursday, 7th September
3:35PM - 4:35PM
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