The Formulas (Or Lack There-Of) for Award Judging
@ Music Rehearsal Room - JWC Level 4
Thursday, 7th September
10:00AM - 11:00AM
Freelance Arts & Music Critic
Kate Hennessy's writing appears in The Guardian, Noisey, The Wire, The Saturday Paper, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Lifted Brow, The Quietus and more. She guests on ABC TV and has spoken at Vivid Ideas, Darwin Writers’ Festival, and A Rock and Roll Writers’ Festival. She is an Australia Council peer assessor, an Australian Writers Centre teacher, an Australian Music Prize judge, and a National Live Music Awards board member. She developed the Guardian masterclass How To Be A Music Journalist. Travel journalism has taken Kate to Africa, Peru, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, Russia, and Indigenous communities in Australia.
@ Music Rehearsal Room - JWC Level 4
Thursday, 7th September
10:00AM - 11:00AM
Stay up to date with BIGSOUND Festival.